Look for the Best Options for Your Landscape Gardening


Lacking for a long time to be sufficiently well known, the profession of landscape gardener, also called professional gardener, recovers in recent years its letters of nobility, in particular because of the growing passion of the people for plants. Considered an art, the landscaping of the garden is based on real know-how. Go for the best with épandeur now.

Garden landscaping by a landscaper, the choice of quality

Although it is quite possible to realize your garden by yourself, entrusting your landscaping to a landscape company is however the best solution. Indeed, the art of the garden is based on a set of complex techniques which are the subject of several years of learning.

If for many the professional gardener only plants and mows lawns, this vision of the profession is very reductive since the landscaper designs and creates from A to Z any custom landscaping. Terrace, paving, swimming pool, flower beds, paths, plantings, watering, or even fences or low walls, all of the facets of the layout of your garden correspond to the skills and know-how of the landscaper. Entrusting the creation of your garden to a professional, it is therefore the guarantee of a quality development, lasting and respecting your desires.

The landscaping by a landscaper, the choice of the council

In addition to the creation of beautiful gardens, the professionalism of the landscaper also concerns the advice he brings you to guide you in your choice of layout, but also for future maintenance. Indeed, the landscaper, having a perfect knowledge of plants, he will guide you to select the plants adapted to your expectations in terms of aesthetics, lifespan, ease of maintenance or ecological aspect, while taking into account the needs of each species in terms of the type of soil, exposure to light, water supply, resistance to climates, etc.

He will also advise you on the best place for their location, in order to have a space of shade and freshness in summer for example. Entrusting the development of your garden to a landscaper is therefore the guarantee of advice for a flower garden throughout the year.

First of all, make a list of what you want to have: pool, spa, fence, shed, terrace, shed, play area for children, etc. Also, determine the elements you want to integrate into the set: arbor, pergola, fountain, etc.

The interview

Are you passionate about gardening? If so, you can provide several flower beds, vegetable garden, rock gardens. Otherwise, it is better to think of a layout requiring little maintenance it takes almost three hours to mow about 560 m2 or 6000 ft2 of grass.

The Quebec construction code

It governs the choice of materials and construction techniques to ensure safety. It also contains zoning rules and obligations regarding the location, size and style of structures to be built. Better to consult it, it is available online. You can also consult the National Building Code. Note that municipalities can adopt their own bylaws. However, the standards it contains must never be lower than what has been set by the governments.

The permits

Once your project has been developed, you will need to obtain the necessary permits from your municipality, which sometimes takes a few weeks. Each municipality has its own standards. For example, some now refuse to install clotheslines. Before doing anything, therefore, make sure you are familiar with the municipal by-laws in force.

The neighborhood

It would be good to discuss your project with your neighbors, especially if you want to install a fence or a hedge between your properties. Communication sometimes avoids uncomfortable situations.