Traffic management in a Smart City


One of the biggest challenges facing cities today is to improve citizen mobility and freight transport. The concept of mobility in a SmartCity refers to the sustainability, safety, and efficiency of infrastructure and transport systems.

A SmartCity is committed to managing traffic to improve productivity and decongest the city. In turn, it seeks to reduce transportation costs and fuel consumption, reduce environmental impact, CO2 emissions, and noise pollution. SmartCities encourage the use of renewable energies and sustainable modes of transport.

Traffic management:

The fundamental factor is the control of the traffic light network, changing its frequency and synchronizing it to achieve more fluid traffic, prioritizing traffic on alternative routes, facilitating access routes, and evacuation in the event of road accidents. For this, it is essential to support a series of sensors, such as vehicle detectors and cameras, and adequate signage with smart led to jail and mobile trailers.

Through the use of technologies, smart cities promise to reduce the emissions produced by traffic and eliminate the traffic jams that star the centers of all cities, especially at critical times.

Using technology to avoid traffic jams

Through the use of different technologies, it is possible to obtain data in real-time about the situation in which the traffic of the main streets is, to inform drivers about the state of the road and regulate traffic through automatic devices, such as intelligent traffic lights, which allows avoiding traffic jams and therefore, the adverse effects that these generate for the environment that surrounds us.

Automatic sanctions

Thanks to the different control devices installed along the roads, in Smart cities, it is possible to decongest traffic and impose direct sanctions for non-compliance with current road safety regulations.

But that’s not all; thanks to facial control and license plate reading, it will be possible to identify the driver and the vehicle that committed the offense.

Real-time information

Knowing the real-time status of the circulation of certain streets, through the data provided by other drivers, aspects such as the availability of parking spaces, incidents on the road will be known, and the user will even receive notifications to avoid infractions caused by confusion.

At Capital Traffic Management, we are fully committed to the need for a change in our cities towards a more efficient and environmentally friendly model, which is why we see Smart City as a thriving option.

Conclusion: As you can see, there are many benefits that Smart City provides in terms of mobility and sustainability.