The matters With the Sales Tax And How They can Be Solved Fast


The property tax on built properties concerns in particular:

  • Industrial or commercial facilities, such as hangars or workshops.
  • Land for commercial or industrial use, such as construction sites.

The property tax rate is voted each year by the municipalities and departments. It therefore varies from one community to another. Using the free sales tax calculator is also important in this matter.

How are dividends taxed?

Dividends refer to the sums shared by the partners at the end of the financial year in the event of profits, or when the company has distributable sums.

The distribution of dividends is subject to specific tax provisions depending on the legal nature of the partner.

Taxation of dividends paid to a legal person

The company that owns securities in a company can receive dividends.

In this case, the dividends received are incorporated into its taxable profit and taxed either as income tax or as corporate tax. Everything here depends on the company’s tax regime.

If the company is subject to corporate tax, dividends, which constitute financial income are taxed at the ordinary rate. They are not subject to social security contributions.

If the company is subject to IR, a distinction must be made according to whether the securities held those which gave rise to the collection of dividends – are necessary or not for the exercise of the activity. If they are used for the exercise of the activity, they are attached to professional benefits. Otherwise, they are attached to the category of income from movable capital.

There are special rules applicable within groups of companies.

In this situation, the taxation of dividends is not quite the same. Two specific regimes can be applied:

  • The mother-daughter scheme, which has the effect of exempting the dividends received, except for a 5% quota.
  • Tax consolidation, which also has the effect of exempting dividends received, except for a quota of 1%.
  • Each of these two regimes meets very specific conditions.

Taxation of dividends paid to a natural person

Associates who are natural persons receiving dividends are taxed on these sums by way of income tax. The amounts are subject, unless otherwise agreed, to the PFU.

Submission of dividends to the PFU

Since 2018, dividends and other income from movable capital – such as bond coupons – paid to a natural person come under the single flat-rate deduction (PFU). It is also called, in a more journalistic language, “flat tax”.

The overall rate of PFU is 30%:

  • 8% income tax.
  • 2% social security contributions.

The taxation of dividends and similar under the PFU is carried out in two stages:

A non-discharging flat-rate deduction (NTFP) hits dividends at source. It amounts to 12.8%. In addition, there are social security contributions (17.2%). Following the annual declaration of income, the dividends are then subject to income tax at the flat rate of 12.8%. The PFNL, which played a down payment role, reduces the tax due. If the tax due is less than the amount paid under the NTFP, the excess is returned.